Frequently Asked Question

What is Self Publishing i.e. traditional publisher vs. self publishing?
  • You own the copyright of your book.
  • You are the publisher of your own book so Great Minds publishers only assist with providing professional publishing services to help you produce a quality book and display it to the world.
  • You control the content and look of your book.
  • You can market and sell to who you want and earn all the profits from your sales efforts.
What do you need from me to start the process?

All we need is your manuscript – an electronic Word version of your book. Once we have received your deposit, and you send us your manuscript, we will immediately begin the publishing process

How long does it take to self publish a book?

Depending on the size and content of the manuscript, it usually takes on average 3 (three) months. This typically varies especially for longer, more complex books involving lots of graphics or very long edits. We are flexible and can work around deadlines if you alert us timeously.

Why should I have to pay to have my book published?

You are not only paying for printed copies of your book, but mainly for the cost of the professional services required to publish a quality book. Depending on your chosen package, these include: editing, cover design, layout, online upload, e-book conversion, ISBN registration as well as printed books.

What is the difference between a paperback and a hardcover book?

A paperback book is otherwise known as a softcover book. Most printed books are softcover books. The cover is much thicker than the inside pages of the book but is not a hardcover. Hardcover books are much more expensive and usually for high-end coffee table books or limited editions (due to cost). They often also have dust jackets over the hardcover.

Is there a discount if I publish more than 1 book?

If you publish two or more books at a time, we will most certainly look at a discount for you. However, if you publish one book at first and return at a later stage to publish a second book then we can certainly provide a discount as well. You can simply mention that you have published with us before, when you request a quote for your next manuscript.

Can I print my books anywhere?
  • Editing: The

    Yes, you do not have to print your books through Great Minds Publishers and can choose to print wherever you please.

    What is the difference between b&w (black and white), full colour and colour inserts inside the book?
    • Black & White – most books are only black text on white paper. Only if you have images in the book, would you consider having colour as colour is more expensive to print than b&w.
    • Full colour – books that contain many images (especially children’s books) are mostly produced in full colour. This is more expensive not only due to the colour processes involved in the printing, but also due to the extra layout and design time involved in the production.
    • Full colour inserts – Images can be grouped together either in the front of the book, middle and/or end of the book as full colour inserts. E.g. a b&w book with an 8-page full colour insert in the middle of the book.
    If I cannot afford the publishing cost, do you have payment options?

    We have some flexible payment options available, which you can discuss with our admin s Please do not hesitate to contact them and ask for available options usually in the form of affordable monthly payments.

    How do I know my book is safe with you in terms of privacy?

    We have been doing this for over 25 years and have dealt with hundreds of authors worldwide, handling highly sensitive topics and information. Rest assured, our staff are professionals who respect your privacy and information. We have many returning authors who have published a number of books with us over the years to vouch for our services and confidentiality.

    How will my book be marketed?

    As a self publisher, you own your book and therefore also get the full profits from sales. Great Minds publishers will help you to produce a professional book and assist you to upload it onto all the relevant online stores (if you choose this option) so that it is available for buyers. We also give all authors an electronic marketing assistance package with lots of advice, lists of organizations, media and distributors who can help you with your marketing efforts.

    What if I am unsure about the quality and marketability of my work?

    We offer a Review service whereby one of our professional editors will review a sample (three chapters) of your work as well as a synopsis, in order to give you an honest, outside opinion on your work before you commit to publishing.

    Can a publishing house still sign me up with a book deal if I self publish?

    As that is the beauty of self publishing i.e. you own the copyright of your book. If you later draw the attention of a traditional publisher who wants to offer you a publishing deal to take over the publication of the book (production, sales and marketing) then you are able to do so as you own the book.

    How much will it cost to print my book?

    We will not know the cost to print your book until the publishing process is complete and the book is fully laid out and confirmed as ready for print. Only then will we know the exact specifications of the book in terms of size, number of pages etc.