Thus Saith the Lord, *1) “MY Child, Trust MY Timing and Stay Balanced* *I know waiting is not easy for you. You desire answers, breakthroughs, and open doors, and sometimes, it feels like they are taking too long. But hear ME—it’s difficult to wait, but more...


My Advice; ON PATIENCE, SUCCESS, AND FAILURE Dear Friend, I know waiting can be tough, especially when you desire quick answers and results. But remember this: It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret. Rushing into decisions without proper direction...


  OPEN DOORS AND OPPORTUNITIES *REVELATION 3:8* “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.” *THANK HIM AS YOU ARE LED:* *Explanation:* Revelation 3:8 reveals God’s power to grant access to opportunities and divine favour...


  Title: WISDOM FOR DAILY LIVING Wisdom is essential for navigating life successfully. It goes beyond mere knowledge or intelligence—it is the ability to apply divine insight in making sound decisions, overcoming challenges, and living a life that pleases God....