
Certainly! Blogging is a popular form of online writing where individuals or organizations share their thoughts, experiences, or expertise on a particular subject. Blogs often take the form of articles or posts published on a website, with new content being added regularly.


My Counsel: THE BEST ANSWER TO DISRESPECT  Let me offer you some wisdom: Distance is the only answer to disrespect. Don’t argue, don’t dive into drama—simply remove your presence. When someone disrespects you, engaging in arguments or trying to prove your worth often...


  THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT *Acts 1:8* "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you." *THANK HIM AS YOU ARE LED:* *Explanation:* Acts 1:8 declares that the Holy Spirit is the source of divine power for believers. This power enables effective...


THE COUNSELOR! My Counsel: YOU ARE NOT A MORAL POLICEMAN or POLICEWOMAN As a follower of Christ, remember that your role is not to act as a moral policeman, constantly pointing out the flaws or failures of others. Instead, focus on reflecting the love, grace, and...


Thus Saith the Lord, *1) "MY child, stop striving to prove yourself to others or carrying burdens that aren’t yours to bear. Your worth has never depended on the opinions of others—it has always been secure in ME. In the silence, find MY peace and let go of the need...


TODAY'S PROPHECY Thus Saith the Lord, *1) "MY child, I have given you gifts and abilities, and I want you to walk in confidence, knowing who you are in ME. But remember, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. True confidence comes from trusting in ME...


  IF YOU FIND YOURSELF WEEPING OVER THE CONSEQUENCES OF SIN BUT STILL DRAWN TO IT! My Counsel: Know that you’re not alone in this struggle. It’s a sign that your heart desires something better, but true freedom requires going deeper than regret—it calls for...