Certainly! Blogging is a popular form of online writing where individuals or organizations share their thoughts, experiences, or expertise on a particular subject. Blogs often take the form of articles or posts published on a website, with new content being added regularly.TODAY’S EXHORTATION
Title: LOVE AND COMPASSION: A REFLECTION OF GOD'S HEART Love and compassion are fundamental to the Christian life, forming the foundation of our relationship with God and others. 1 Peter 4:8 emphasizes the depth of love we should have for one another: “Above...
LOVE AND COMPASSION *1 Peter 4:8* "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." *THANK HIM AS YOU ARE LED:* *Explanation:* Love and compassion are fundamental to the Christian life. In 1 Peter 4:8, Peter emphasizes that love...
Title: UNDERSTANDING SUFFERING AND THE POWER OF RESURRECTION The phrase “dark night of the soul” describes a season of deep suffering, struggle, or spiritual dryness where God seems distant. It is a time of intense emotional, mental, or even physical pain that can...
BREAKING EVERY STRONGHOLD *2 Corinthians 10:4* "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds." *THANK HIM AS YOU ARE LED:* *Explanation:* A stronghold is a fortified area in the mind or spirit where the enemy...
Dear Friend, I know you may be struggling with a difficult situation right now, but I want to encourage you to consider the power of distance. Sometimes, stepping back isn’t about giving up—it’s about giving the other person space to reflect and yourself the...
FAMILY BLESSINGS *Joshua 24:15* "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." *THANK HIM AS YOU ARE LED:* *Explanation:* Joshua 24:15 – "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Family blessings come when a household is dedicated to serving...
My Counsel: WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT YOURSELF! Let me share something that could help you: "You cannot know who you are unless you know who God is." Your true identity isn’t defined by what you do, what others say about you, or even how you feel about yourself. It’s...