Dear Friend,


I want to encourage you to make seeking God your top priority in life. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” This means that when you put God first, He takes care of everything else.

One of the best ways to seek God is by dedicating your time, treasure, and talent to Him. Make time for prayer, Bible study, and worship every day. Give God the first and best part of your day, and you’ll experience His guidance and peace.

Honor God with your treasure—your finances and resources. Be faithful in tithing, giving to the needy, and supporting kingdom work. When you put God first in your finances, He blesses you beyond measure.

Use your talents for His glory. Whatever gifts and skills you have—whether singing, teaching, leadership, or creativity—use them to serve God and others. When you give your abilities to Him, He multiplies them and makes your life impactful.

Remember, when you seek God first, He provides everything you need. Don’t worry about the future—just stay faithful, and He will take care of you. Make a fresh commitment today to put Him first in all things, and watch how He transforms your life!

Pst. Wale-Rich Oladunjoye