Thus Saith the Lord,

*1) “MY child, I have given you gifts and abilities, and I want you to walk in confidence, knowing who you are in ME. But remember, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. True confidence comes from trusting in ME and acknowledging the gifts I’ve placed in you. It inspires others and draws them closer to MY light.*

*Arrogance, however, will push people away. It comes from pride and an inflated sense of self that forgets the Source of all blessings. I resist the proud but give grace to the humble. Stay humble, MY child. Recognize your strengths, but also value the contributions of others. Walk in love, listen with understanding, and remain teachable.*

*Let your confidence be rooted in ME, not in seeking to elevate yourself above others. When you honour ME and value those I have placed around you, you reflect MY character. Stay in this balance, and I will exalt you in due time. Trust ME, and let MY grace lead you always.”*

For Enquiry, Partnership & Counseling;
M.O.G. Without Borders
Tel./WhatsApp+234 7068302000
Email: [email protected]
*12:00 – 1:00 am*