Dear Friend,


I want to encourage you today and in this new month with a truth that has the power to bring clarity and peace to your heart: God is working out His plan for you. You are not a mistake, and your life is not an accident. No matter the circumstances of your birth or the challenges you may face, God has a purpose for you that was established long before you were born. He declared, “I make known the end from the beginning…My purpose will stand” (Isaiah 46:10).

You might be questioning why things are taking so long or why others seem to be moving ahead while you feel stuck. Let me assure you, God is not delaying you—He is preparing you. Just like a skilled builder carefully lays a solid foundation, God is working on the unseen parts of your life to ensure you are strong enough to carry the blessings He has prepared for you. What feels like a delay is actually God’s way of equipping you to handle the pressures and responsibilities that come with His purpose for your life.

Your personality, experiences, and even your struggles are tools God is using to shape you for something only you can do. No one else has your unique combination of gifts, background, and perspective. Trust that God is intentional about every detail of your life. The challenges you face today are not meant to defeat you but to build the character, resilience, and faith you’ll need to fulfill your destiny.

So, don’t lose heart. Keep trusting His timing and His plan. Anything worth having is worth waiting and fighting for. God sees the end from the beginning, and He knows exactly what He is doing in your life. Surrender to His process, and you will see that His plans for you are good, and His purpose will always prevail.

Hold on to this truth: You are loved, chosen, and destined for greatness. God’s plan for you is unfolding beautifully—trust Him.

With love and encouragement,
Wale-Rich Oladunjoye