Great Minds Publishers

Delivering Beyond Your Imagination


What WE Do

We Are A Full Publishing Outfit

A full printing outfit refers to a comprehensive set of equipment and tools used in the printing industry to produce a wide range of printed materials. From small-scale businesses to large commercial printing companies, a complete printing outfit comprises various machines and accessories that collectively enable the creation of high-quality printed products. Let’s explore the essential components of a full printing outfit:

Available 'round the Clock

The idea of being ’round the clock accessible is no longer limited to just emergency services and essential amenities. 

Satisfaction Guaranteed

But a mere claim is not enough to uphold the sanctity of “Satisfaction Guaranteed.” Companies must back their words with action. 

Free Consultations

The benefits of a free consultation are manifold. For potential clients, it offers a risk-free chance to explore their options and assess the expertise of the service provider b

“Great Minds Publishers is the Best; they give a writer that comfort to excel, pushing fear away, with their responsiveness and professionalism. They pay attention to details, and guide you through your journey of publication. Whenever you think publishing, think GM Publishers, as your hand-guide to a successful book publications.” 

Bright Jide


“It was more professional than I had anticipated. Each stage was handled efficiently and effectively. They mentor and guide one especially for some of us who are green in matters of publishing. They give what they offer. Genuine in their dealings.
True partners who listen and respond amicably to the writer’s concerns.
They took me through the editing session without distorting my ideas and subject. It’s a wonderful experience for me. Excellent team!”. 

Tony Sule


Head Office

125, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala Way Utako Abuja Nigeria

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+234 706 830 2000